like Eats, Shoots & Leaves, Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon resonates
more with each pass. It is an easy, fun
read that lays out the artistic process in such a clear and effective
format. This is my second pass through
the book and I have only covered the first two chapters, but I feel like this
time through, I’m taking the time to digest the ideas in a more manageable
fashion. This post is only on the first
couple chapters of the book, and in a much more specific way than the first, I
will discuss how this book has shaped my perspective on writing.
begins with a wonderful quote by T.S. Eliot:
“Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal;
bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better,
or at least something different. The
good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different
from that from which it was torn.”
1:9 says, “There is nothing new under the sun.”
Everything we do, say or create is stolen or inspired by something that
has touched us at one point in our lives or another. We didn’t create ourselves and we don’t stop
growing, changing without the influence of our surroundings.
Kleon’s first
chapter, entitled “Steal Like An Artist”, gets to the heart of this idea. It gives the artist permission to steal. We are all the sum of the parts that made us
and we cannot deny that anything we create has come out of admiration for the
work of others. We find heroes, role
models and idols that we want to emulate.
Kleon suggests building your own “family tree”. A list of the all the people that inspire
your work; then find out who inspired theirs and so on. Keep discovering new sources. I’ve recently been putting this into practice
and surprisingly (but upon reflection, it should not be so surprising) most of
the artists’ work that I emulate have the same people that they emulated. As you can probably tell from recent posts, I’ve
adopted Jason Sherman as my playwriting mentor (whether he is okay with that or
no) and I have been devouring his work.
I refrained for a long time asking him about his favourite writers and
those he admires (it felt like a super cheesy super fan type question), but if
I’m going to follow Kleon’s advice, I need to know what people comprise the
rest of the branches of my writing family tree.
His response was nearly identical to those that were the literary
forebears of my favourite writers like Orwell and Hemingway. With so much information at our fingertips
these days, it is sometimes hard to know where to look for inspiration; this is
what I find so useful about this genealogy of writers, I now have a long list
of the works I should be reading (because those are the things that inspired
the people who inspire me). Currently, I’m
making my way through Joseph Conrad’s Heart
of Darkness to be followed by Melville’s Moby Dick (both books I’ve had sitting on my shelf for years, but
haven’t opened).
thing that Kleon addresses in this first chapter is developing an inspiration
file to save your thefts for later. It
can take whatever form you wish. This is
something I’ve been doing for years without consciously recognizing it. Having it brought to the forefront of my mind
makes it easier to organize and control.
I’ve started to be much more diligent about where I put these thefts (it
also helps that I have a blogs that tracks them). I am a very visual person and often my thefts
come in pictures, which now go straight into my “Inspiration” file on my
computer. Recently, I was given a copy
of The Little Prince (Le Petit Prince) by Antoine de
Saint-Exupéry and it changed my life (there is a post coming on it). I have been trying to look at the world as a
child would. As I was walking home the
other day, I looked up and was struck by the cotton candy sky with popcorn
trees: it was early dusk and the clouds were a bright pink on a clear blue sky
and since it is spring, the flowers are budding on some of the trees which
resemble popcorn. I’ve included the
picture I took:
![]() |
Cotton Candy Sky & Popcorn Trees |
I’ve also started a file
on my phone to record interesting traits or characteristics of people I see,
quirky dialogue I overhear and anything else that strikes me during my travels. I don’t know what will come of it all, but it
is all there... for whenever I need it: like the girl who does wordsearches by
colouring in each block with a highlighter; the man who was drawing me on the
subway and then self-consciously covered the picture when I walked past to exit
or the man with the perfectly sculpted white hair and the large hollow eyes entrenched
in the many folds of his wrinkled face that stared forward as if watching some
past horror recur in an endless loop just off in the distance.
Chapter 2, entitled “Don’t Wait Until You Know Who You Are To Get Started”, Kleon
address what he calls “imposter syndrome”.
This is something I suffer from constantly. The feeling that I have no idea what I’m
doing and I’m just a big phony. I asked
Sherman a lot about his process and how he goes about writing and his response
was “I just write. I get an idea and I
write it out.” Well, thanks! That’s what I do as well but that doesn’t
make me a writer... or does it? This is
the area that Kleon addresses in this chapter: with all things, you just need
to keep doing it, you get better at it and eventually you become what you want
to be; you just need to start doing it and keep doing it. I read an article in The Guardian recently by
James Rhodes, a concert pianist in the UK, which expressed the value of just
doing what you want to do very clearly.
Rhodes discusses the value of spending even an hour a week pursuing some
artistic format that inspires you. He
comments about how many people come up to him and say how they wish they could
do what he does and his response is do it!
You don’t need to dedicate your life to it, but if you have the need and
the desire: just start doing it and see where that takes you. Write a page a day, as John Steinbeck says “Abandon
the idea that you are ever going to finish. Lose track of the 400 pages and
write just one page for each day, it helps. Then when it gets finished, you are
always surprised.” Since we have started
the advertising for Empty Boxes,
quite a few people have come up and said, “You wrote a play, wow!” For me, I have written a number of plays, I’ve
just haven’t done anything about it until now, it has never seemed like
anything extraordinary to me. With the
same sentiments as Sherman: I feel like writing something, so I do. I just keep pecking away at one thing or
another until something ends up finished.
It doesn’t have to be everyday or even every month; just when you feel
like it and eventually you end up with something that wasn’t something before. I have never felt like I’m a writer. I have no formal training (other than one
half-credit course I took in playwriting in university), but now I’m beginning
to see that just the act of doing it is enough.
I wrote a play. Not everyone has
written a play. That counts for
How do
you do this? Where do the ideas come
from? Start by copying. Kleon has a beautiful example in his book
where he has hand-drawn 25 stars on a page with the statement: “The human hand
is incapable of making a perfect copy”; it’s true, not one of the 25 stars is
identical to another. So, no matter how
much you try to copy, emulate or imitate your heroes, you will never be able to
replicate it exactly. Painters do it all
the time. They learn technique by
creating replicas of famous works. How
did the masters before us do it? Once
you learn how they did it, you can know how you want to do it. I’ve used this quote from Maxine Ruvinsky
before, but: “After all, in order to break rules for artistic or intellectual
effect, you have to first understand command those rules; to break rules
because you don’t know them is nothing more illustrious than simple ignorance.” Also, it’s hard! And lonely.
Who wants to reinvent the wheel?!
Stop feeling like you have to be original or come up with something new. Something new will come out no matter what you
do. Even this post: ultimately it is a
summary/rehash of other peoples’ ideas with a few hurrah-for-them comments of
my own devising thrown in, but it is still original. It is what all of these influences have meant
to me and the impact that they have had on my own work that make it my own. I love the idea that I am surrounded by
things that I can take ideas from.
During teachers’ college, we were encouraged to beg, borrow and steal as
many resources from other people as humanly possible. The rationale was that as a first year
teacher, you would be too overwhelmed with adapting to the demands of the job,
students and parents to have to develop brand new exercises, lesson plans and
course outlines without any help. You
would go crazy. The entire profession is
based on collaboration. It was
wonderful. You still adapt anything you
take to fit your comfort level with the material or classroom structure, but
the bones were there. It is the same in
the arts.
have more about Steal Like an Artist
as I continue to work my way through. That’s all for this week!
To read
more about some of the things discussed in this post, please refer to the
following links:
Austin Kleon: http://austinkleon.com/
Rhodes article in The Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/music/musicblog/2013/apr/26/james-rhodes-blog-find-what-you-love
John Steinbeck – 6 Tips on Writing: http://www.brainpickings.org/index.php/2012/03/12/john-steinbeck-six-tips-on-writing/
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