
After three years of intense focus on therapy and personal growth, I'm finally hitting the keys again and will be jumping into NaNoWriMo on November 1st, 2016. Stay tuned for updates!

Wednesday, 23 September 2015

RANTS & RAMBLES - The 2 Word Rule

I don’t know about you, but I often find it hard to develop good writing habits, especially because I work contract work, so my schedule varies greatly from week to week.  It is impossible for me to set-up a consistent writing routine. 

Recently, I have been trying what I’m calling the “2 Word Rule”.  Less a rule and more a commitment (yay, semantics!!!).  I have decided that each day, I just need to add two words to any piece of writing I’m working on.  If I do that, then I have been successful and can celebrate my accomplishment for the day.

I’m sure there are some writers out there reading this, scoffing at the idea that a “true writer” would settle for only two words per day.  How amateur… Well, to those people I say, “shove it!”  Writing is hard and the easiest thing for a writer to do is to crap all over themselves for not achieving as much as they thought they would or thinking that what they’ve done is garbage.  Writers are notoriously hard on themselves (more so than any critic could ever be).  Often writers tank themselves before they even get started.  I know, I’ve been there, I’m still there.  I look at the number of things I’ve written and still think I’m a hack who doesn’t know any better.  Then, I read a bunch of published garbage and get down that I can write better than that and still I’m not published.  I don’t need any more help to tell me that I’m not a writer.  What I do need is the encouragement to keep writing – and not necessarily from other people, but from myself.  This is when I made the two word bargain with myself.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

SPIDER WARS: Episode #4

On the Last Episode of Spider Wars:
Septimus had conquered the O’Hare homeland after the invader Rufus had drawn the O’Hare army to the north.  O’Hare had retreated to regroup in the Rainy Plains, while Rufus was smitten by the beast of the Underworld.

Today on Spider Wars:

Wasting away in the Rainy Plains, O’Hare appeals to the mercy of the Beings of the Underworld to purge O’Hare territory of the usurper, Septimus, before the rains return.  Hearing his pleas, the Beings send a gale force wind against Septimus’ army.  Septimus, angered by the Beings’ wrath, charge for to the Underworld only to be met by the guardian, Ripplestiltskin.  After an intense battle, Septimus returned to the Ceiling, bruised and bloodied, eventually succumbing to his wounds.  O’Hare, weak from enduring the Plains’ storms, passed, leaving his army in the charge of his daughter, Twyla.

SPIDER WARS: Episode #3

On the last Episode of Spider Wars:
Septimus had retreated to his own territory on the other side of the mirror after a crushing defeat by O’Hare’s army.  The O’Hare homeland was once again secure.

Today on Spider Wars:
Another intruder appears in the washroom, encroaching on the outer limits of no man’s lamp into northern O’Hare country.  As O’Hare leads his army to fend off Rufus’ invaders in the north, Septimus regroups and launches a full scale siege of O’Hare homeland.  O’Hare, left without the strength to reclaim his native soil, retreats to the Rainy Plains.  Suddenly, a great earthquake shook the ceiling and Rufus was crushed to death and wild beasts fed on his remains.